Proper preventive maintenance is quick and inexpensive, yet it can significantly increase your water heater’s life by many years, up to double or more in most cases.
ALL MANUFACTURERS recommend you perform appropriate maintenance on your water heater, albeit with slight variations in schedules. Check the manual that came with your water heater for specific details. Based upon the manufacturer’s recommendations and tempered with our own experience and knowledge, we highly recommend that the following maintenance be performed as an absolute minimum to ensure a very long and trouble free life for your water heater:
1) Partial draining of the tank once a year to remove small accumulations and keep the drain valve operational and free of deposits. Flushing the tank once every three years with a power flushing technique to remove all sediment and loose scale that has accumulated throughout the tank;
2) Checking the relief valve operation once a year and replacing it if found to be plugged, not functioning properly or leaking;
3) Inspecting the sacrificial anode rod once every three years and replacing it when it is significantly worn (3/8" average diameter or 75% depleted) or has excessive core wire exposed (more than 1/3 of length.)
NOTE: Inspection/replacement more often is even better, especially as the tank gets older and more susceptible to failure due to corrosion.
4) Replacing the anode rod diligently every 6 to 9 years of service, depending on your heater and its usage. Main factors to consider on whether replacement should be sooner than later are:
- Multi person - high water usage;
- High temperature setting;
- Water with high mineral content;
- Only a single anode installed;
- Quality of the water heater;
- Length of warranty period.
NOTE: If water is softened, an even more intense inspection and replacement schedule is warranted.
How Do You Get the Most Out of Your Water Heater?
Following these recommendations will substantially increase your tank’s life while saving you money in the long run. It will reduce any downtime due to water heater failure, the time and excessive expense associated with replacement as well as cut down on the mess and aggravation resulting from a leaking water heater.
Wouldn't you really rather get the full potential out of your water heater and save it from an untimely end? Make sure you maintain your tank properly and...Replacethatrod!
Recent customer's sacrificial anode rod removed after just 8 years of service - not a moment too soon!